I like encouraging books. I like to be inspired by ideas that make us think we can do something to improve our lives. Despite, we all know that to change something we have to work extremely hard, usually after few attempts we give up, but never want to admit this. This is how we are built – we want to be better for less efforts.

Book “First Things First” is very good because it, unlike many other time-management books, brings to the table more dramatic and global questions of our path and purpose. Start with this: “How many people on their deathbed wish they’d spent more time at the office?”. Of course people work to make their living, but apparently working hard at work cannot be life goal itself. The goal could be to contribute to society and to your profession. I’m software developer and my goal could be to contribute to community of other guys, similar to me. Instead I catch myself on being hard-worker. I stay longer than others at work. In the end this only transforms me into Dark Matter Developer. I may get noticed at work and get better income, so I buy myself bmw z4 in few years. But, what’s the point? No happiness at home, no recognition in world of software developers and small but fast car for no kids. It is what you do, not what you own.

I never was lucky to truly embrace lot of time-management techniques. Maybe they are too difficult and take much time to get them rolling. Or maybe they are just wrong? They teach us to be effective and efficient, but usually we solve only short-term goals. Are you sure you are heading “the true north”?

From this book I will take & try one simple and great technique and would recommend you to try. Think about one thing for your personal life and one for your professional life, which would definitely improve quality of your life if you do them constantly and coherently. Ok? Just do them! Don’t concentrate on any other things… work on these two.

I have two for myself: Personal: exercise every morning. Professional: frequently blog quality posts. Though, none of them transparently represent how some aspects of life can be improved, believe me or not, I see great breakthrough, if I only do them.

Almost forgot, this should have been book review:


And it is! Thoughts provoked by book are great indicator of its quality.

Book worth to be read!

You may find my thoughts on other books I read by Book Reviews tag, many of them are also time/self-management and success oriented.