May 16, 2010 .NET, Concurrency, MasterDiploma, Performance 4 comments
May 16, 2010 .NET, Concurrency, MasterDiploma, Performance 4 comments
In recent time I was interacted with multithreading in .NET.
One of the intersting aspects of it is performance. Most of books says that we should not overplay with performance, because we could introduce ugly-super-not-catching bug. But since I’m using multithreading for my educational purposes I allow myself play with this.
Here is some list of performance tips that I’ve used:
1. UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem is faster than QueueUserWorkItem
Difference is in verification of Security Privileges. Unsafe version doesn’t care about privileges of calling code and runs everything in its own privileges scope.
2. Ensure that you don’t have redundant logic for scheduling your threads.
In my algorithm I have dozen of iterations on each of them I perform calculations on long list. So in order to make this paralleled I was dividing this list like [a|b|c|…]. My problem was in recalculating bounds on each iteration, but since list is always of the same size I could have calculating bounds once. So just ensure that don’t have such crap in your code.
3. Do not pass huge objects into your workers.
If you are using delegate ParameterizedThreadStart and pass lot of information with your param object it could decrease your performance. Slightly, but could. To avoid this you could put such information into some fields of the object that contains method for threading.
4. Ensure that you main thread is also busy guy!
I had this piece of code:
Do you see where I have performance gap? Answer is in utilizing my main thread. Currently it is only scheduling some number of threads (GridGroups) to do some work and than it waits for them to accomplish. If we divide work to approximately equivalent partitions, we could gave some work to our main thread, and in this way waiting time will be eliminated.
Following code gives us persormance increase:
5. ThreadPool and .NET Framework 4.0
Guys, from Microsoft improved performance of the ThreadPool significantly! I just changed target framework of my project to the .Net 4.0 and for worst cases in my app got 1.5x time improvement.
What’s next?
Looking forward that I also could create more sophisticated synchronization with Monitor.Pulse() and Monitor.WaitOne().
Good Threading Reference
Btw: I read this quick book Threading in C#. It is very good reference if you would like to remind threading in C# and to find some good tips on sync approaches.
P.S. If someone is interested if I woke up at 8am. (See my previous post). I need to say that I failed that attempt. I woke at 12pm.
May 9, 2010 C#, Java, MasterDiploma, Opinion 4 comments
Is CLR worse than JVM or it is just because my code is bad?
Today I had conversation with one man, who is great defender and evangelist of Java related technologies.
We talked about some algorithm implemented by me with C#. That is implementation of SOM algorithm and Concurrency stuff for it. My concurrency implementation doesn’t show time improvements unless grid size is big. He was able to achive better result with small grid sizes.
There could mean two reasons:
Taking into consideration that I’m getting better results when grid is of bigger sizes I could suppose that in my algorithm there is code which takes constant (or near that) time and is not paralleled.
When I look at picture of Task Manager when my programm is executing I see that second processor has gaps when it does nothing:
This could mean only one: I need to take better look what else is executed in one thread in my application and could be paralleled.
Converting C# code to Java
But back to that man and Java. I said to myself that it is possible to move my code to Java if something.
C# to Java Converter
Download C# to Java Converter demo version from here. Since it is demo you could not convert more than 1000 lines of your code. Order costs 119$.
Because of that I was forced to remove all not necessary code. I removed all concrete classes that I’m not using and GUI, but that did not help. I did not know how much should I delete more.
Number of lines in my project/solution
I googled for line numbers in C# and found this nice tool:
Now I know that my program has about 4000 lines of code. I left about 980 lines of code in two projects that I needed and was porting them to Java separately.
Converter GUI
And converted them to Java:
Is conversion an easy task?
Conversion could be painful if you have a lot of code that interacts with system, like threads, reading and writing to files, reading configuration file, etc.
Also it was not able to recognize ‘var’ keyword. It shows me this:
I moved back to my C# code and changed all var to the explicit types. And regenerated Java code.
There were some troubles when I’m delivering from List<T> and doing some stuff around that.
This code:
I rewrote manually to:
Also Converter was not able to convert this:
The biggest challenge is ThreadPool and synchronizing threads tech-nicks. This requires lot of google search that shows me that instead of ManualResetEvent I could use CyclicBarrier and how to utilize thread queuing in Java.
P/S I need to find gaps in my code to show that at least CLR and myself are not so much bad things in this world :)
May 7, 2010 MasterDiploma, Ukrainian No comments
Одним із найважливіших завдань для реалізації масштабування обчислень є знаходження частин алгоритму, які можна та які є оптимально розбити на деякий набір незалежних обчислень.
Велика кількість роботи по розробці масштабування обчислинь алгоритму SOM була зроблена за останні роки. Взагалі кажучи існує два основних підходи, якими є розбиття гратки (map-partitioning, MP) та розбиття даних (data-partitioning, DP).
В MP, SOM є розподілена поміж декількох потоків, таким чином, що кожен потік обробляє кожен вхідний вектор і модифікує свою частину гратки. Такий підхід зберігає порядок оновлень записаних у формулі [осн. формула оновлення]. Найбільшим недоліком цього методу є велика ціна синхронізації потоків, потоки повинні бути синхронізовані опісля кожного разу, коли був знайдений нейрон-переможець, а також кожного разу, коли пройшло оновлення. Таким чином MP є ефективним для хардверної реалізації або ж для систем із спеціальною архітектурою для паралелізації.
В DP, вхідні дані розподілені поміж потоками, так, що кожен потік містить частину вхідних даних та проганяє її на своїй копії гратки. Як бачимо цей підхід не вимагає частої синхронізації, таким чином це є перевагою над MP. Проте такий підхід не відповідає формулі оновлення, що змушує використовувати його із варіаціями SOM, зоокрема batch SOM. Та навіть попри це batch SOM не є популярним методом, із-за двох основних причин:
1. Він вимагає щоб усі вхідні вектори були наперед відомими, що не є завжди можливо.
2. Насправді дуже важко отримати добре структуровану карту на відміну від класичного алгоритму.
Існує також багато інших розробок. Для прикладу в одній із таких автори пропонують підхід схеми Master-Slave, яка базується на тому факті, що із часом радіус, у якому ми модифікуємо нейрони зменшується, а тому два послідовні нейрони-переможці можуть не мати спільних областей. Таким чином можна обробляти ці нейрони разом із частиною матриці в паралельних потоках. Master потік слідує за основними кроками класичного алгоритму, а Slave пробує здійснити обчислення в паралельному потоці для наступного нейрона переможця якщо області не перетинаються.
Мною була здійснена реалізація MP підходу до розпаралелення алгоритму із невеликими відмінностями.
Основною відмінністю є те, що в стандартній реалізації MP гратка розбивається на декілька підграток, скажімо на n частин. Опісля для заданого вхідного вектора ми шукаємо нейрон переможець у кожній із підграток в паралельних потоках. Як тільки він був знайдений, ми запускаємо модифікацію на тих самих частинах гратки. Якщо глянути на рисунку нижче, то можна побачити, що в такій ситуації для модифікації ефективно використовується лишень четвертий потік, перший та третій швидко впорюються із роботою, а другий потік взагалі простоює.
Я пропоную знайдену множину сусідів знову поділити на рівні частини, як це зображено на наступному рисунку, проте із певною відмінністю. Якщо множина нейронів для модифікації є більшою за число M, то я розбиваю цю множину на ту ж саму кількість що й розбивав гратку, і запускаю оновлення в різних потоках (перевикористовуються вже існуючі). Якщо число нейронів для модифікаціх менше за M, то модифікація проганяється в одному потоці. Число М має залежати від ціни синхронізації і ще потребує додатковго дослідження.
Такий підхід дає помітні покращення коли гратка є дуже виликих розмірів.
March 24, 2010 KohonenAlgorithm, MasterDiploma No comments
Lets quickly remind how does Self-Organizing Map works and which are building blocks of it.
In my implementation I have processor named SomLearningProcessor which does all main algorithm steps. After you created instance of that class you are able to call void Learn() method, which goes through all iterations finds best matching neuron with method int FindBestMatchingNeuron(double[] dataVector) and then it accommodates network with using dataVector and found BMN – this is done with method void AccommodateNetworkWeights(int bestNeuronNum, double[] dataVector, int
iteration). I will return back to this processor with more details, I just wanted to give quick vision what is it.
So lets move to building blocks of our learning algorithm:
First of all it has Network, which I inject into our SomLearningProcessor through the INetwork interface:
As you see it has list of Neurons which should fill the leaning grid, which is provided through the Topology interface. The default implementation of the network interface supplies possibility to randomize neurons with specifying minWeights and maxWeights boundaries for randomizing.
Also we are injecting IActivationFunction for our neurons, so they will calculate reaction basing on this interface. Interface provides method double GetResult(double inputValue);
There are following concrete implementations of the interface IActivationFunction:
For Self-Organizing Maps I’m using TransparentActivationFunction, which just returns summarized value.
Another interesting thing that we are using during learning process is Topology. Interface looks like this:
As you see Topology consists with Rows and Columns as usual matrix, but the main point of interest is the method: Dictionary<int, double>
GetNeuronsInRadius(int neuronNumber, double radius); What does it do?
For the found best matching neuron neuronNumber – it should find all neurons which are located in boundaries of provided radius. Please also note that I’m returning pairs <NeuronNumber, DistanceFromItToBMN> in result dictionary. This allow increase performance a bit, because no need to double calculate distances.
Currently I have two finished implementations of ITopology they are SimpleMatrixTopology and BoundMatrixTopology.
Difference between them is that BoundMatrixTopology is closed cover like on the picture below, for matrix 6×5 and winning neuron number 22 with radius 2.1 it returns following neighbor neurons.
As you see it also returned 4 as connected neuron.
Same situation for SimpleMatrixToplogy returns next:
So far we have visual explanation how it searches for the neighbor neurons. On the picture below we could see which distances are returned by the
GetNeuronsInRadius method.
For my research I’m using SimpleMatrixTopology because it is much faster than BoundMatrixTopology.
A bit about Learning Process
Learning process is build upon changing weights of the neurons in order to be more close to input data vector. But also with increasing iteration number we should shrink the radius where we search for neighbor neurons and we should decrease learning rate. Also those neurons which are close to winner should be modified more than those which are far from it. This purposes are supplied by three interfaces. They are IRadiusProvider, INeighbourhoodFunction and ILearningFactorFunction.
Answers for the question which radius we should take on the n-th iteration. Currently I have one implementation of the interface, which looks like below:
As you see when we create instance of it we define TimeConstant and that stands for:
when we calculate radius we are using next formula:
In those two formulas δ0 is half of the initial Grid radius and I setup it in constructor of Topology like: Math.Max(ColCount, RowCount) / 2.0, but of course we could choose wider initial value.
The most commonly used is Gauss Neighbourhood function, because it is quite smooth.
We provide two parameters one of them is distance between neuron i and neuron j, another parameter is current radius, calculated by RadiusProvider. So the formula of it is:
And as we said before, learning rate should decrease with time. For this purpose I have few implementations of the interface ILearningFactorFunction. I’m using ExponentionalFactorFunction
which has method:
The formula looks like:
where τ2 is equal to maximum iterations count and η0 is starting learning rate. I set it to the 0.07.
Other Interfaces
During learning process I’m using few other interfaces. They are:
ShuffleProvider – provides method using which I shuffle input space vectors on each epoch.
LearningDataProvider – gives us possibility to get i-th input vector and answers for questions how many there are vectors and what is the dimension of input space. Using this interface I can mask providing of completely random input vectors as I did in this application. Or I can provide DataPersister into it, so it will be able read data from file or whatever.
MetricFunction – is just distance measurement for our grid. I have CityBlocks and Euclidean implementations.
With mix of all described above we can build our Learning Processor. Below is full code snippet of SomLearningProcessor:
Lets talk a bit about each of the methods.
public virtual
void Learn()
It is the main public method which could be used in outside world, so ti will learn Network using all stuff that we injected in constructor. After Lean has executed usage code could use learned Network through the public property. What this method does is: it goes through all iterations up to MaxIterationsCount, then shuffles input space (or not shuffles, it depends on shuffling provider), finds Best Matching Neuron and Accommodates Network weights.
virtual int
Is the most expensive operation. As you see it goes through all the neurons in Network and calculated distance from current neuron to dataVector. Then it returns neuron with minimal distance.
virtual void
bestNeuronNum, double[] dataVector, int iteration)
Takes BMN number, asks RadiusProvider for the radius on current iteration and then asks Topology to find all neurons connected to BMN in current radius. For each found neuron it accommodates weights in next method.
virtual void
neuronNumber, double[] dataVector, int iteration, double
distance, double radius)
The most interesting line of code in this method is actual accommodation:
Which stands for formula:
Why did I make all methods virtual and so much protected properties? That is intent of my next post on implementation of SOM, where I’m going to talk about Parallelization of calculations in our algorithm.
March 20, 2010 KohonenAlgorithm, MasterDiploma 2 comments
Зробити це для мене було, корисно, оскільки я таки знайшов недолугі частини моєї імплементації і виправив декілька помилок в алгоритмі. Надалі я можу спокійно працювати над паралелізацією обрахунків.
Я сподіваюся що вам сподобалося. Коментарі?
March 3, 2010 KohonenAlgorithm, MasterDiploma No comments
I already have some implementation of the parallelization in algorithm of SOM.
Let us quickly remind the main steps of the classical Kohonen learning algorithm.
As you see algorithm could be very expensive if we have big amounts of data.
Also, steps 3 and 4 takes the most of time, what if we execute 2-3-5 in separate threads? Yes, we could do this to some extend. Main issue is when we have overlapping of affected area by two best matched neurons wich we found in separate threads.
I’m bit tired to write a lot of explanations of this algorithm, so I prepared 3 images that says for themselves. Hope will have detailed explanations and different tuning things for this soon.
February 21, 2010 C#, Java, MasterDiploma 2 comments
Today I committed initial version of my Diploma Work Sources.
And there are few interesting things regarding to my first commit.
Thing One (Language)
I re-wrote all my last year course work from Java to C#.
And I did it all in about 12 hours. Its just amazing how my developing speed differs in eclipse and Visual Studio IDEs. As I remember same took me 50+ hours with Java + eclipse and I did all without enthusiasm.
I hate writing properties in Java
This is one thing where I do think that Java is kind more verbose than C#. There are some others, like “var”, etc. Microsoft works on improving C# language.
public double[] Parameters {get; set;}
private double[] parameters;
public double[] getParamateres(){
return parameters;
public void setParamateres(){
return parameters;
How important is your knowledge of IDE?
I would say that even more then knowing of language. Nowadays most of the languages are object-oriented, they all have similar principles and ideas and code looks almost the same. If we talk about C# and Java they are extremely alike.
I’m not very familiar with Java, but I can write Java code easily and if there are some Java specific gaps I quickly fulfill them with google search.
But when we talk about my speed of coding in eclipse IDE – it is really outstanding thing where my capabilities suck.
Code refactoring tool
That is another thing that could significantly increase your productivity. I’m using Resharper 5.0 Beta. Having experience of using it, I can think about what I want to have, but not how to type that.
Live templates that generates me unit test method after I just type “test”. Delivering from interface, I just created, without typing class name. Moving initialization of fields to the class constructor with single command. “Alt+Enter” just thing instead of me in contest of where mouse cursor is located and proposes me decisions. — these all are things why I love Resharper. I wrote complex architecture with about 40 classes in about 12 hours. It generates what I think.
Thing Two (Architecture)
I improved my Self-Organizing Maps implementation architecture significantly. What is did is having all implemented in really decoupled interfaces. Main learning processor is just like preparing dinner. You just add component and you do have what you want.
What is the benefit?
Now I’m able easily setup few dependency Profiles and experiment with them. So I can play with different activation, neigbourhood, metric and leaning factor functions, at the same time I can use different topologies like matrix and hexagonal.
Also learning process is now really encapsulated and to add Concurrency implementation should be easily.
Thing Three (I have same results with less effort)
To prove that I have same results I’ve used same application of my Kohonen Maps: classification of animals.
Here is input data list of different animals. Each row describes animal’s properties.
Here is result matrix:
Thing Four (Conclusion)
I’m really sorry that it is boring for me to have my Diploma written on Java. But I really think that my goal is to invent multi-threaded algorithm that could significantly improve SOM calculations. And I feel really comfortable with C#, so I can enjoy research work without spending time on convincing myself that I do need to accomplish all with Java.
But this doesn’t mean that I gave up with learning Java. No – I will continue implementing all GoF Design Patterns on this pretty language – see my table.
February 20, 2010 .NET, LambdaExpression, MasterDiploma 6 comments
For my Diploma work I need to calculate distance between two vectors.
For example, Euclidean distance is calculated like:
How could it look if I do have two lists with values?
Something like this:
But, please take a look how sweet this all could be with Lambda Expression:
Of course main point of this post is not to show all beauty of LE, but either what did happen after I wrote this Lambda expression. Maniacal interest in what is faster to execute and what is the difference in performance of this two methods appeared in my mind, so I prepared few simple tests.
I’ve ran my tests on 1000000 elements and results were such:
Also, I played with VS performance analyzer (Analyze -> Launch Performance Wizard…).
It allows me run one version of code (Lambda) and get detailed report, then run another version of code (Loop) and get another report. After that I’m able to compare results seeing performance improvements. So that is good tool.
January 30, 2010 MasterDiploma 1 comment
It’s time to start seriously work on my Master Diploma.
What about is my Master Diploma work?
In Artificial Intelligence we often use neural networks in try to simulate aspects of the biological neural networks. Applicability of these is very wide, it could be smart unit in some video game, or expert subsystem when diagnosis patient. Even your inbox e-mails are filtered with algorithm, which includes neural networks usage.
One great applicability of Self-Organizing Maps (one of the artificial neural networks) is possibility to analyze high-dimensional data, save its topology and translate it to low-dimensional representation which further could be easily analyzed by human brains.
For human being it is hard to work with dozens of input information for different aspects of one thing. For example 100 patients being diagnosing and for each we need 30-40 different measurements. SOM could easily classify data and for output with knowing of some existing diagnosis we can get “Patient – Diagnosis”.
I mentioned something like “with knowing of some existing…”. This means that SOM requires training, which takes execution time. If our application domain is something for military, time could be critical constraint.
In this work I’m going to significantly improve calculations of Self-Organizing Maps with introducing multi-threading improvements.
Project hosting
I already hosted my project with google code:
Project is host for implementation of a parallel algorithm, purpose of
which is to significantly improve calculations of standard algorithm.
This is main goal of actual project.
This project represents Andriy Buday’s Master Diploma work.
e-mail me:
What do I need to accomplish?
I need to ensure that I understand computations of SOM deeply.
Research over interned for similar works and take them into account.
I’ve decided to write my code from scratch, since I already have some implementation of SOM.
After I’ll have some implementation I need to analyze results I got on different systems.
Improve my knowledge of Java, Concurrency and train my scientific habits. :)
This blog and my Diploma
I was thinking about posting status of my work on Diploma on separate blog or site, but don’t want to have myseft scattered over different locations, so I’ve decided that just tag “Master Diploma” should be enough. I don’t think that it could make sense to hide something from the world or my co-workers or Customers (don’t even think they read my blog). And of course my Diploma is part of my Road To Success.
Please, wish me luck on this!
No doubt I will do the best to take my work to the breakthrough.