May 9, 2010 C#, Java, MasterDiploma, Opinion 4 comments
May 9, 2010 C#, Java, MasterDiploma, Opinion 4 comments
Is CLR worse than JVM or it is just because my code is bad?
Today I had conversation with one man, who is great defender and evangelist of Java related technologies.
We talked about some algorithm implemented by me with C#. That is implementation of SOM algorithm and Concurrency stuff for it. My concurrency implementation doesn’t show time improvements unless grid size is big. He was able to achive better result with small grid sizes.
There could mean two reasons:
Taking into consideration that I’m getting better results when grid is of bigger sizes I could suppose that in my algorithm there is code which takes constant (or near that) time and is not paralleled.
When I look at picture of Task Manager when my programm is executing I see that second processor has gaps when it does nothing:
This could mean only one: I need to take better look what else is executed in one thread in my application and could be paralleled.
Converting C# code to Java
But back to that man and Java. I said to myself that it is possible to move my code to Java if something.
C# to Java Converter
Download C# to Java Converter demo version from here. Since it is demo you could not convert more than 1000 lines of your code. Order costs 119$.
Because of that I was forced to remove all not necessary code. I removed all concrete classes that I’m not using and GUI, but that did not help. I did not know how much should I delete more.
Number of lines in my project/solution
I googled for line numbers in C# and found this nice tool:
Now I know that my program has about 4000 lines of code. I left about 980 lines of code in two projects that I needed and was porting them to Java separately.
Converter GUI
And converted them to Java:
Is conversion an easy task?
Conversion could be painful if you have a lot of code that interacts with system, like threads, reading and writing to files, reading configuration file, etc.
Also it was not able to recognize ‘var’ keyword. It shows me this:
I moved back to my C# code and changed all var to the explicit types. And regenerated Java code.
There were some troubles when I’m delivering from List<T> and doing some stuff around that.
This code:
I rewrote manually to:
Also Converter was not able to convert this:
The biggest challenge is ThreadPool and synchronizing threads tech-nicks. This requires lot of google search that shows me that instead of ManualResetEvent I could use CyclicBarrier and how to utilize thread queuing in Java.
P/S I need to find gaps in my code to show that at least CLR and myself are not so much bad things in this world :)
April 23, 2010 Opinion, SOA, Success 4 comments
Yesterday I executed my presentation on the Service Oriented Architecture. It was awesome. I got good portion of emotions.
I was really surprised how many people have come to listen to me. As per me it was supposed that this local Architecture Group (AG) is for couple of people, who have desire to spend their free time on talking about SOA, but for my great surprise almost all team came, I mean developers from whole enterprise project where I work. Guys, there should be something that I don’t know about intent of this group?
Before presentation I as usual did my rehearsal. First it was presenting to my friend, who is also developer. We call this ‘Turbulent Developers Community‘ where we sit in the evening with beer and talk about different interesting IT things. So he brought few interesting questions for which I was now ready to respond. Also, I had my *.ppt at my phone, so when getting to my work I was trying to replay presentation in my mind. І на останок, вже безпосередньо перед презентацією я розказав її своїй дівчині в скороченому режимі – це зайняло близько 20 хвилин. Дуже тобі дякую за це!
So, I started with plan which I have in this blog post. People were listening with attention and that is very appreciating. Also, what was enjoyable is that they had a lot of different comments on what about I was talking. They even spoke to 3 of my slides instead of my… OMG.
How was it?
… asked I, and got an answer: “It’s a great success! … can we now get money out of that?.. :)”. Those are words of my colleague with whom I work on the same piece of software. I really hope that other also enjoyed what I did.
For myself I have discovered that I learnt more about how to provide a good presentation. I do not say that this is my best presentation. I this the best I had is presentation on DDD, but anyway… having more experience in that area is very good achievement.
Keep in mind – you will die someday
What is the intent of my life? I spend my life at work, so that is a very big part of it. If above said it truth, why don’t then do the best at work and in your growth? For me it is mandatory. If you don’t like you work – just change it. Just do it!
Everyone have to die some day. Think about what you do and what you want to achieve. Have super large dreams. Often why I’m getting to the work at town vehicle many people talks and as I understand the intent of their life it to find a good job, to have a car, home and family. I don’t say that family is bad, BUT why to put such trivial task in front of you? You have one life and then death!
March 21, 2010 Book Reviews, Clean Code, Opinion No comments
Yesterday I’ve read 3 chapters of the “Code Complete“. First one of them was a “Classes” and second was “Methods”. I would say that I took almost nothing for myself from those pages, but the third one was “Defense Programming” and it was quite enjoyable to read.
Class should stand for one logical unit of understanding from real world or from your system. In other worlds it should be noun, that could do some appropriate operations. It is not just a set of data. Also class should have Single Responsibility – not doing things it should not do and not be cohesive to other classes. Class should not contain too much data and too many methods.
After that McConnel talks about the Composition and Inheritance.
Use inheritance when behavior contract is the same and data is the same to some extend, but only concrete behavior differs, but not expectations of it.
Use composition when behavior is 100% the same, but you still could distinguish what you have before and what you would like to have further.
This means that no need to have AccountLessPerson if the person does not have bank account, it definitely better to have Person with field BankAccount.
Liskov Substitution Principle says that once you have class B derived from class A, other classes should work with B by the contract which is the same as A declares, only enhancements to the behavior is allowed, no real change in it.
It was boring to read this chapter. i.e. methods should have appropriate names, they should not be longer than N lines of code and be readable, they should not take more than 7 parameters, they should not change params, they should not change global fields etc….
It had to be much better to read there more about how methods should interact with other system.
Defence Programming
This was the most interesting part for me. This all is about building the wall of protection to your system. And this is needed to serve two main purposes: first is stability of the system and the second is for insuring correct behavior.
Assertion is the way to defense your code from wrong input data, and even defensing yourself from giving wrong result. For example in the beginning of method GetOrdersForAccountNumber(int accountNumber) you could have Assert.That(accountNumber > 0, “since you will not be able to make order with wrong number”) and after you finished with all calculations you could have Assert.That(orders != null, “because don’t think that that is good idea to pass out null object…”).
Exception handling
Exceptions is the tool for working with unusual situations that occur in your application. Some languages still don’t have build-in exception handling, and I’m so lucky that I work with such language like C#. McConner says “Develop with language, not on language”, but the C# just leads to writing a good code. Exception handling is quite big theme to discuss so I hope to have separate post on it.
January 26, 2010 Opinion, RandomThoughts, Success No comments
I have 18th post this month that is more than in past three months. This means that I increased frequency of posting and I think that did not lost quality of its content. What do you think?
I think I’m good on this. I also increased amount of blogs I read (near 30).
Why do I think that blogging helps me?
To get more readers I need to have some certification that my blog is good to read and this could be reached only if I will continue learn something.
I also found one interested post where guy explains why Why Blog Post Frequency Does Not Matter Anymore. Yes, but my blog has defined content boundary and my posts are not something like posts on twitter, so I believe that it will lead me to Success.
Honestly I think we should see people in light of theirs attitude to something, but not in light of theirs knowledge of something.
Leave your comment with link to your blog. I will follow you immediately. ;)
January 22, 2010 .NET, Opinion 7 comments
Today I was reading some book on the .net development and found there interesting thing.
Guy explains “Why to use Generics?“
He wrote that Frameworks 1.0 and 1.1 did not support Generics, so developers were using Object.
He says, that generics offers two significant advantages over using the Object class:
1) Reduced run-time errors
That is because type-safety.
2) Improved perfomance
Casting requires boxing and unboxing, which slows performance. Using of Generics doesn’t require casting or boxing, which improves run-time performance.
And then funny thing…
He put a box which looks like:
OMG! I could not believe in his words. As per me this should be BULLSHIT, unless I 100% missed something there.
I wrote a really quick verification like:
And the result is:
As you see generics are much faster. Also I searched over internet and found a lot of different stuff that says that generics provide better performance.
My Opinion
You would said what kind of book do I read. Is it “C# for Complete Dummy“?
No, that is Microsoft’s training Kit for exam 70-536.
Even if this was a book “C# for Dummy” it should not contain mistakes. And even if this is a book for kids it should not contain wrong thing. Yea.. it could be very simple, but not wrong!
I thought to write e-mail to that guy, but then decided that there is no need in this.
Just be careful when you read books and others thoughts, even mine :)