image I had awesome chance to read book called “Great boos dead boss”, ‘cause one of my wisdom bosses have recommended it. Probably he was driven to do this by latest law of tribe. Tribe? Yeah, I spelled it correctly. Latest law states that each good leader has teacher who knows and can achieve more than his apprentice. First of all, I want to thank my manager very much for suggesting this book.

“So what was there about tribe?” – I hope you have this question in your mind. Let us answer for this question one by one, but I will not give you complete answer for this, because you have to read book to understand completely and to be part of the tribe of readers of this book :)

Greg, main hero of the book, got new job at big microprocessors plant and as usual in such novels there is huge customer with deadline, that cannot be achieved by applying any kind of normal and standard improvements to production of processors. Even more, people at plant are completely exhausted being bombarded with dozen of improvements and built-in administrative control. Greg felt huge confrontation between him and employees, he felt stuck with this tough situation. He ran for help to leader of another company where each employee felt complete comfort and happiness working, each of them was highly motivated and enthusiastic. Greg started to build his own tribe, using hints given to him by leader, who was colonel in army and still likes hunting in Africa. Whole story finishes with triumph of project completed before deadline and with wisdom, that was absorbed by main hero.

Really extraordinary about book is that it shows collaboration between people, their motivation, emotions and acts in light of the most ancient social grouping – tribe. Book really convinces us that when people have common enemy, common ideas and symbols they are motivated to fight and be the best company in their field. Book is concentrated on People not at the process, because process can be improved by people. You only have to find something to trigger people.

I highly recommend you read this book if you are interested to hear some good ideas about management in another light.