
Hello there. For me it is time to pass next exam on the way to MCPD Enterprise Dev. This time it is ASP.NET exam. For me it is the most difficult of the exams, since I have really little experience in web development.

For my training to exam as usually I read training kit. Finally it was not boring for me to read it. Probably because greater part of it was new to me. I also performed most of the ASP.NET Labs. The most interesting was the beginning of the book and its end. And I almost scrolled chapter, since there was nothing new to me. (Fine that training kit for exam, which is gonna be my next exam, is about 400 pages only, so I can be calm about reading it.)

I started preparing to exam about 2-3 months ago, but since I’m lazy it was going slowly and because I scheduled exam for 21th Jan… which is… today, I have had to prepare to exam my evenings in recent time, this made me little bit tired and out of schedule with learning more asp stuff. Actually at the moment when I started preparing I had been thinking that I could implement small web site and run thought msdn solidly. Ah.. I did not do this. I’m afraid to fail it as it was with my WinForms exam twice.

Tomorrow Today early morning I will be passing this exam. Wish me good luck.