February 19, 2016 Book Reviews
February 19, 2016 Book Reviews
“Release it!” is an excellent book that makes you and your application prepared for the harsh production world. The book entertains on all kinds of things related to the most important part of development lifecycle – releasing your product and keeping it alive.
The book has four parts – stability, capacity, general design issues, and operations. Each part is introduced by interesting case studies, for instance describing how single unhandled exception costed an airline a day of nightmare and tons of money.
Let me list some of the keywords from the book for better idea what the book is about:
Things that I really liked about the book:
There is a really nice strategy explained on zero-downtime. One, that especially boggles me, was approach related to database upgrade process for zero downtime. The strategy is relatively simple: 1) you extend the system/db and add some bits and pieces so it is backwards compatible, for db it could mean new nullable columns and triggers to fill-in data, 2) you roll out, 3) you cleanup. Easy!
Not so great things about the book:
The book will be most useful for developers of large enterprise applications, especially where downtime costs real money.
But, in any case, I would highly recommend any developer, and deployment engineer for that matter, to read this book!
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