Renaissance of functional languages

We are at renaissance of functional languages. When I read blog posts I often see guys talking about functional programming and stuff related to it. Community wants more features that functional style provides for us. In response to that creators of languages and technologies are now introducing a lot of amazing cool features to make our life happier. They also create new languages, and so on.

What is going on with C# nowadays?

Let’s start with what we do have with C# nowadays. It has moved to functional side slightly. Introducing LINQ is big step in that direction. We are moving away from imperative programming to functional, for example this simple loop represents imperative way to work with list items.

      foreach (var element in

Using LinQ we can have so much elegant functional syntax:


So we pass function into function. Simply saying that is why we call this functional programming. If example above isn’t so bright take a look on next:

      Func<int, int>
doubleThat = delegate(int x) { return
x * 2; };
from2To20 = from1To10.Select(doubleThat).ToList();

Another example of that C# is more close to those languages is introducing var keyword, which doesn’t mean that we can change type in further code like in dynamic languages, but that is thing which really helps us to write code without being really concerned about types, but the language itself is still strongly typed. If you would say here about C# dynamics, hm.. honestly I’m not a fan of that thing in C#, but maybe it gives some advantages for us.


Few days ago I have heard podcast where guy from Microsoft .NET languages team spoke about different features that community had requested to language C#. One of them was immutability and it looks that they are going to introduce this in further releases (after 4.0 of course). So what is immutability? It is something that functional languages has by default and imperative hasn’t :).

For example we have

   int number = 1;
   number = number + 3;

We can change number as many times as we want. But the same in F# will produce compilation error:

(“<-” is assignment operator in F#). In order to make it work you will need another element result:

If you want variable with you 100% want to change you should declare this using mutable keyword:


So lets move to much interesting – declaring functions:

ten will be immutable variable which has value 10.

Are you familiar with parameter binding in C++ functors? It doesn’t matter but, currying of methods in F# reminds me that. Take a look how we get new method with mixing function multiply and using one frozen parameter.

Using F# library in other .Net languages 

I did all this fun stuff with creating new F# library in Visual Studio. I viewed results of code which interested me with selecting it and pressing ‘Send To Interactive’ from context menu. Next what was interested for me is how can I use that dll in my usual C# program. So I created console application, added reference to my F# lib. Now I can use it like below:

See how things differs out there. Method is seen as method, immutable variables as properties without setter and mutable as properties with setter. Forgot to mention that FirstFSharpProgram  defines with keyword module at the top of *.fs file.


When could F# be useful? Anywhere you would like. But as it creators says it has lot of multi-threading capabilities plus to that you write immutable code, which was the main root of stupid bugs in imperative programming. Plus to that you can easily use it in combination to other .NET languages.

Don’t miss chance to learn this language if you are interested in it.

Take a look on this elegant Fibbonachi solution: let rec fib n = if n < 2 then 1 else fib (n-2) + fib(n-1)